Worship Schedule
United as one in Christ Jesus, the people of First Presbyterian Miles City strive to:
Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ;
Share God’s redeeming love to all;
Witness to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit through worship, prayer, and service.
Traditional Worship - Sunday 9:00am
Our Sunday morning Traditional Worship Service combines the use of traditional prayers and liturgy, a mix of older and newer hymns as well as praise songs, and powerful faith-based messages for daily living. We invite members of the congregation and people throughout our community to perform special music during our traditional worship services throughout the year. A special children’s sermon is presented during each service and is typically conducted by the pastor. Communion is served the first Sunday of each month.
Our Traditional Worship Service is broadcast over KATL 770 AM radio station (11am) and reaches four states. This radio service has been a mission and outreach of the congregation since 1949 and, in an agricultural community, is an important ministry to those unable to attend worship on a regular basis.
Children’s Sunday School
2nd & 4th Sundays - 10:10am
First Presbyterian Miles City is strongly committed to creating relational opportunities for children, adolescents, and teens of all ages to encounter Jesus Christ. Our ministries are centered in the vision that all our young people will know that they matter to God and that God matters to them. We hope that you will invest and be involved in this significant ministry with children, who are the present and future of our Christian faith. Currently, we offer Sunday School opportunities for children and youth on the 2nd and 4th Sundays after worship at 10:10am.
2nd Sunday of the Month - at the Methodist Church
4th Sunday of the Month - at the Presbyterian Church